SpaceTech Expo Highlights Public Private Partnerships for the Final Frontier

SpaceTech Expo 2022, Long Beach, CA

PSSC Labs continues to support space technology and just attended the 2022 SpaceTech Expo in Long Beach, CA. We found some phenomenal resources for the future of space, and we hope to share those with you.

One of the major takeaways from this event was the keynote given by major Adam A. Burnetta, Program Manager, Space Enterprise Consortium, United States Space Force (USSF). Major Burnetta shed light on many new initiatives the U.S. Government is doing to close supply chain gaps for advanced space research and technology. Noted by Major Burnetta is a shift in funding towards more commercial industry investment. Major Burnetta explained that Space Systems Command for the USSF wants to leverage the commercial abilities that we have seen explode in the last five years. In a clear statement Major Burnetta says, “Space Systems Command is instituting a simpler method to engage and facilitate industry partnership in order to leverage commercial innovation and investment on space technology.” Major Burnetta went on to discuss how the field offices will interact with the businesses local to them in order to facilitate direct lines of communication with the industry.

This type of government and commercial partnership outreach program is very similar to the post-war innovation period. In fact, the National Bureau of Economic Research analyzed the research and development contracts of that time and concluded that government spending for R&D in the commercial sector was valued at $7.4 billion in today’s dollar. This will be a welcome change for many businesses looking to work with the USSF. Major Burnetta’s presentation explained the government wants to adopt, buy, adapt, and create from the commercial platform in order to advanced space development. America’s goal is clear – continued superiority over the vast expanse of space, but this time with the help of businesses that make it possible.


SpaceTech Expo 2022 Keynote: Major Adam A. Burnetta Program Manager, Space Enterprise Consortium, US Space Force

World War II R&D spending catalyzed post-war innovation hubs. NBER. (2020, September). Retrieved May 24, 2022, from

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