AI/HPC Workstations
Powerful and flexible desktop supercomputers for your most demanding business objectives.
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The Ultimate Professional Workstation for AI and HPC Workloads.
Cutting edge technologies right at your finger tips. High performance technology that moves as fast as you do.
Ideal for AI, Design & Engineering, and Life Science Applications
Intel®️ Xeon®️, AMD®️ EPYC®️ and NVIDIA®️ GPU Support, including NVIDIA A100, V100, and many more
Certified compatible with hundreds of applications, including RapidMiner and TensorFlow

We are skilled engineers and architects of HPC, AI and Big Data workflows.
Our 25+ years of knowledge and experience drive our passion to deliver the highest performance and most reliable computing solutions possible. People who are serious about their computing needs understand the power of controlling their data.
- Custom engineered solutions designed for your needs, application and budget.
- Consistent performance when you need it. No more waiting in a queue.
- Security on your terms. You hold the key.
- No more surprise monthly bills that deplete your budget.
- Cradle to grave support from engineers that hand-built your solution.
"I will continue to recommend PSSC as our HPC provider. I think there is great benefit to working with a single vendor during the lifetime of a cluster and in the end time, frustration, and costs are usually minimized."
Michael Acierno
IT/IS Manager, Carnegie Institute of Science