Cloud Computing vs. On-Premise Storage

When it comes to storing, processing, and analyzing data, there’s much for users to consider. Companies are often faced with the decision to keep data internally stored via their own data centers or allow for their data to live in the cloud. With many factors at play, we wanted to help breakdown what we’ve found to be the most important things to pay attention to.

Three Key Benefits of On-Premise Computing

  1. Cost
    Cloud computing is often touted as the least costly alternative to on-premise systems, but the reality is nothing could be further from the truth! On-premise computing systems need to be purchased initially, but following that purchase they offer stable costs over time, meaning your expenses are not increasing year over year like they would in cloud.

    With the cloud, any increase in storage or speed would result in an immediate increase in cost. In fact, a recent technology whitepaper showed that cloud users saw an average of a 325% cost increase over a 5-year period!

  2. Security

    When you choose to store your data in an on-premise system, you’re choosing the most secure option. You know where your data lives and you know who has access to your data centers, because it’s privately owned and operated only by your trusted technology professionals.

    With data that is stored in the cloud, it’s essentially being stored on shared servers. That means other companies, maybe even your competitors, are all storing data on shared platforms that are being entirely operated by a third-party.

  3. Control

    Control is ultimately retained by the enterprise throughout the lifetime of the data when an on-premise system is used. That means you can access it at any time you’d like, without the limitations of a third party. These limitations often come in the way of encryption from the cloud provider, additional costs, and time constraints, meaning more downtime and less access to the data that you already own.

As you can see, the argument for the cloud truly just doesn’t make sense for organizations that are looking to manage their expenses while still maintaining control of their data. For more information about on-premise systems, please feel free to contact our team at or (949) 380-7288.

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